How Body Shape Affects Hula Hooping: New Mathematical Insights on Gravity

Reading time: 3 minutes
By Juanita Lopez
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New YorkA team of mathematicians from New York University, led by Leif Ristroph, Olivia Pomerenk, and Xintong Zhu, has explored the physics behind hula hooping. They wanted to know how hula hoops stay up against gravity and whether some body types are better suited for hula hooping than others. Their study reveals that while anyone can hula hoop with the right motion, maintaining the hoop requires specific body features.

The researchers used miniaturized versions of hula hooping experiments in the NYU Applied Mathematics Laboratory. They tested different shapes and motions using robotic bodies, approximately one-tenth the size of actual human forms. They found:

  • The type of body motion doesn't significantly affect hula hooping success.
  • The body's cross-section shape, whether circular or elliptical, also doesn't matter.
  • A slope at the hips and a curvy waist are beneficial for keeping the hoop aloft.

These findings suggest that individuals with natural slope and curvature traits have an easier time hula hooping. The study indicates why some people seem to hula hoop effortlessly, while others struggle. The NYU team created mathematical models to explain these dynamics, which could have applications beyond just understanding hula hooping.

Ristroph notes that their research could inspire new engineering innovations, including ways to harness energy from vibrations and improve robotic positioning systems. This approach could be useful for industrial processing and manufacturing. The study was supported by the National Science Foundation and provides new insights into an activity that many enjoy for fun and fitness. Understanding the subtleties of hula hooping physics might lead to practical uses in technology and industry.

Experiment and Findings

A team of mathematicians delved into the mechanics of hula hooping to uncover how body shape influences the activity. They constructed miniature robotic models with 3D-printed body shapes—such as cylinders, cones, and hourglass figures—to mimic human forms. Using motors to provide gyration, they assessed how different shapes handled hooping. The researchers photographed the movement with high-speed cameras to capture intricate details of the process.

Key aspects examined in the study included:

  • Types of body motion necessary to keep a hula hoop spinning
  • The shape and slope of body segments like "hips" and "waist"
  • Impact of different cross-sections (circle vs. ellipse) on hooping effectiveness

These experiments revealed that while anyone can initiate hoop movement, sustaining the motion against gravity involved more complex dynamics. Shapes that featured specific angles and curves helped push the hoop upward and maintain its spin. This suggests why some people find hooping easier than others—body shapes with sloped hips and curvy waists offer a natural advantage.

The study could inspire new technologies beyond simple play. Understanding the mechanics of maintaining hula hoop motion may lead to advances in engineering applications. For example, the study's formulas have potential uses in designing robots that better maintain balance or in systems to harness energy from motion, like vibrational energy sources.

The findings highlight the complexity behind what seems like a simple activity. It underscores how body structure can influence physical abilities, not just in hula hooping but potentially in other areas of movement and agility as well. By breaking down these dynamics, the study offers both an entertaining look at a common pastime and a serious exploration of mechanics with broader applications.

Potential Applications

This study on hula hooping doesn't just explain why some people can keep a hoop up better than others. It also opens doors to real-world applications beyond just play and exercise. The insights gained from understanding the physics of hula hooping have broader implications, especially in the fields of energy and robotics.

  • Energy Harvesting: By studying the motion and energy transfer involved in hula hooping, engineers can design systems that capture and utilize energy from vibrations. This could lead to innovations in powering small devices by converting movement into usable energy.
  • Robotic Positioners: The research can help improve how robots move and maintain their positions, especially in industries that require precision and efficiency. Understanding the subtleties of motion can lead to advancements in robot design and function.
  • Industrial Processing: The principles uncovered could streamline processes by creating machines that better mimic human movement patterns, improving productivity and reducing energy waste.

The findings suggest that by mimicking the optimal body shapes and motions identified in hula hooping, machines can be designed to enhance these areas. For example, robotic systems that need to maintain balance or transfer energy efficiently might incorporate elements of the sloping surfaces and curvy forms found to be effective in hooping. This could lead to more agile and responsive robots in various applications, from manufacturing to autonomous vehicles.

Moreover, the mathematical models developed can be adapted to optimize other dynamic systems that operate on similar principles. This could revolutionize how engineers approach design in various sectors, leading to more efficient energy systems and advanced machinery. By applying these hula hooping dynamics to technology, we could see substantial improvements in how energy is captured, transferred, and used in modern engineering applications. The basic physics of a simple toy could indeed inform significant technological advancements, demonstrating the value of understanding everyday phenomena in depth.

The study is published here:

and its official citation - including authors and journal - is

Xintong Zhu, Olivia Pomerenk, Leif Ristroph. Geometrically modulated contact forces enable hula hoop levitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024; 122 (1) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2411588121

as well as the corresponding primary news reference.

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